
Advantages of TTL Logic circuit: Advantages of TTL logic family, one should have a basic idea about RTL, DTL etc. Diode logic (DL) uses diodes to implement logical functions like AND and OR. But the disadvantage is that it can not perform NOT operation. As AND and OR are not complete functions by themselves, they can not perform several logic functions without NOT. Hence, there was a need for some device which can perform a NOT function as diodes can not. That device is a transistor. Then came the DTL which uses a transistor along with diodes. As a transistor can act as an inverter, NAND (NOT-AND) & NOR (NOT-OR) operations can be performed. But this logic uses several diodes which will slow down its operation. Due to the delay offered by them, the logic levels may sometimes change i. e. 0 t0 1 or 1 to 0. Then came TTL. This logic uses a multi emitter transistor, a transistor with many emitter terminals. As every emitter is nothing but a diode, this logic eliminates the use of al
Computer programming Language Download PDF Watch Edit Example of an internet  chess  program,  Lichess , showing  artificial intelligence  programming – if the white bishop at b3 moves to a2, capturing the black knight, then the program is designed to find the most advantageous move for black, very likely capturing the bishop with the b1 pawn. Black has just moved a pawn to c2. Computer programming  is the process of designing and building an  executable   computer program  to accomplish a specific  computing  result.  Programming  involves tasks such as: analysis, generating  algorithms , profiling algorithms' accuracy and resource consumption, and the implementation of algorithms in a chosen  programming language  (commonly referred to as  coding ). [1] [2]  The  source code  of a program is written in one or more languages that are intelligible to  programmers , rather than  machine code , which is directly executed by the  central processing unit .

10 Things You Should Know Before You Try Coding

. Here are  10 things you should know before you start programming . Knowing these points will give you a head start of what to expect, and how to approach programming. Recommended Reading:  Top 10 Sites to Ask All Your Programming Questions 1. Get the basics right When you start learning, the first thing you need to be sure of are the “basics”.  It is the first step of  becoming a coding ninja . To get the basics right, you need to  learn the core of computer science , just like any other trade you will come across. There are currently hundreds of online courses  aimed at beginners . Clearly, the internet cares about beginners, and provide tons of information — a beginner’s heaven! All you need to do is search through them, and start with one that  the best fits your requirements . You can get started with any of the online places mentioned in this article of ours (below). Read Also:  Best Sites to Learn How to Code for Web Developers A  proper understanding  can g